Advanced Quant-Options Trading Workshop
Online recorded Webinar
Course fees : Rs. 55,000+ GST ( Rs.64,900)
2 days theoretical training plus one month active mentoring for positional options trading( includes 5 trading sessions of LIVE daytrading including an weekly expiry). Training will be through pre-recorded videos which you can also view later and live interactive zoom sessions, a mix of both.
Venue : Your home
All strategies to be taught through interactive videos and live zoom sessions
Live Q&A session thru zoom
All training videos on concepts viewable for the next 2 months by participants
This is an advanced course with the following pre-requisites :
1. Must have trading experience of at least 2 years
2. Must have derivatives trading experience for at least one year and know the basics of what a futures is and what options are ( strike price, CE, PE etc .. the basics )
3. Post the workshop, you will need to use TradingView and a basic web based options analysis software ( TradingView basic paid plan is around Rs.14,000 per year, the options software is around Rs.5000 per year. These two will be absolutely necessary post the workshop)
4. This is not a "get quick rich" scheme , you will need to understand, absorb and apply the concepts in trading. Hard work is required on your part. There is no holy grail in trading .
5. A minimum trading capital of 10 lacs. Below this amount, risk management cannot be maintained and you will expose yourself to high risks. Returns on capital below this figure will not justify the course fees.
Read what i have written a few times. If comfortable, proceed further. Else email me or DM me on twitter for clarifications.
# Mechanics : Volatility , IV vs HV, Theta decay curves, Delta & gamma
# Determining direction : Proprietary model for EOD and RT
# Determining moves : How to predict large moves, system based
# View from COI + quants
# Analysing the option chains for direction, strategy, unusual activity
# I will teach both option buying and option selling. My approach of selling options is diametrically different from what you already know or have seen. It's directional and risk defined . The methods taught are systematic.
# Tools will be distributed ( free for lifetime , but code protected and hardware locked)
Course structure is 80% positional and 20% day-trading/expiry-trading
Course structure
# Will be added in exclusive group with other attendees where I will handhold actively for the next 1 month
# LIVE daytrading shared for 1 week ( 5 trading sessions,including an expiry)
# Group stays active for next 3 months. So at any point in the future you can clarify and queries here or with me personally
Go through these links for the prerformance of one of the handholding sessions last year
Postional Performance :
DayTrading performance :
How we traded #Budget2020 :
# This is not a ‘get rich quick’ scheme. Effort and work will be required on your part to assimilate the training and trade effectively
# Returns are a function of risk and discipline, will vary from trader to trader
# If interested in how these approaches work, check my twitter profile @SubhadipNandy where I share my trades
What you require
Experience in trading F&O for at least 1 year, minimum capital of 10 lacs and exposure to TradingView
I will share all methods and distribute a few coded proprietary tools. The methods taught at the workshop are quantitative in nature , uses tools for analysis. I have coded everything and you will get the end product with an easy to use interface. Some codes will be locked on TradingView. Tools will be hardwrae locked to your machine. You will need windows systems, will not work on MAC
Software required post the workshop :
# TradingView
# Derivatives analysis web based tool
( Absolutely no coding knowledge required at your end. I will deliver all tools as click and play, and show you how to use them)

Course Content
Day 1
# All about spreads : Bull/bear spreads ( Perfectly positioning an options structure using greeks)
# Nature of the beast : Analyzing the nature of a stock quantitatively to understand which options structure suits which stock
# VIX based directional model :Using the NSE VIX to take a directional view on Nifty
#Directional from the underlying
#How volatility tells you whether to buy or sell options
#Nifty option due to its' unique nature offers multiple strategy plays with low risk, all those methods
System : NOISEMAKER to analyse derivatives data for direction. This is an invite only proprietary system on TradingView. Codes locked.You will have access for lifetime
Day 2
# COI ( cumulative open interest) – how to create, interpretation of F&O data, Understand who is in control, the shorts or the longs
# Option chains : how to analyze , trades from option chain ( quants) ( how an options seller thinks and structures his trades, where he gets trapped and how can we pick that up and benefit from it)
#How the option chain tells you which strike to sell and when to cover
This whole option chain analysis will be thru excel based apps, free for lifetime, Hardware locked
We will be extensively using the NSE FO Bhavcopy for our analysis
What are the optimum zones to buy options and what are the optimum zones to sell options
Expiry Trading
# Real time options data analysis
# Expiry day trading on Nifty and BankNifty every Thursday
# Setting expiry day ranges and route-map
Day-trading training is given LIVE
* Which days you should be aggressive in day-trading and which days you skip
*Picking up sharp incoming moves on Nifty and BankNifty options ( levels, stops, targets, trails)
I trade Nifty and BankNifty options in daytrading 95% of the time and I will teach what i trade. I do not trade cash stocks and very rarely futures
(If you have seen my daytrades on Nifty/BNF options on Twitter, I will explain in detail how I take those trades. Starting from identifying direction, strikes, entries, stops and exits. If you have not, I suggest you visit my twitter handle to go over those trades over the past six months)
1. If you have done my workshop earlier, be advised that content is now more advanced with around 75% new content
2. There will be no refund once you attend the course
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